Homecodicil To A Will


I, [name], a resident of the County of [county], State of [state], declare that this is the codicil to my last will and testament, which is dated [date original signed] (my “Will”).

Jan 19, 2018 There is no standard, legally foolproof will.State laws vary, as do the needs of people making wills. The following sample is designed to give you an idea what a will might look like and why certain language is in it. © Macular Society 2020. Macular Society is the trading name of the Macular Disease Society. A charity registered in England and Wales 1001198, Scotland SC042015. To protect your loved ones. Making a will is one of the only ways to be certain that your lifetime's work and assets, built up over the years, are passed on to the people you want. It provides security for your family and those you are respo. A codicil is a simple document that allows you to make amendments to your last will and testament. In most cases, the amendments made by a codicil are relatively minor. For example, they may seek to appoint new executors, make new gifts or release people. Filling out forms and paperwork is about as much fun as a trip to the dentist. And making a will seems to be as appealing as a root canal, because 57% of American adults don’t have one!

I add to or change my Will in the following manner:
[List all specific changes or additions to the original will. Reference each section number of the will and the specific language you will be revising or otherwise affecting. This is where you would include a bequest to support American Battlefield Trust. For suggested bequest language that can assist you, see suggested bequest language.]

Otherwise, I hereby confirm and republish my Will in all respects other than those herein mentioned.

I subscribe my name to this Codicil on this [day, e.g. 1st] day of [month], [year], at [full address where signed], in the presence of [full name of first witness to codicil], [full name of second witness to codicil], and [full name of third witness to codicil, if any], attesting witnesses, who subscribe their names here in my presence.


On [date_______________][, [name], known by us to be the person whose signature appears above, declared to us, [full name of first witness to codicil], [full name of second witness to codicil], and [full name of third witness to codicil, if any], the undersigned, that the foregoing instrument, consisting of [number of pages to codicil] page(s) was the codicil to the will dated [date original signed]; who then signed the codicil in our presence, and now in the presence of each other, we now sign our names as witnesses.



Home Codicil To A Will Valid

Please have your will or codicil drafted or reviewed by an attorney who is familiar with the estate laws of the state where you live. American Battlefield Trust provision of this sample codicil is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. State laws govern or affect wills, trusts, and charitable gifts made in a contractual agreement. Advice from legal counsel should be sought when considering these types of gifts.

Homecodicil To A Will Ferrell