Chapter 12: Shaping A Unique Worldview

Chapter 12: Shaping a Unique Worldview Welcome! To learn more about Japan's geography, keep reading! Question 1: In what ways does physical geography contribute to shaping a worldview? The Answer is H2O. Japan lies on an island surrounded by the ocean. Reading 2: Developing a Worldview Most Alberta students who were born and raised in Canada have developed a “Western worldview”. What is a Western worldview? It is a view that has been developing over the centuries and is what you will learn about in Social Studies 8. In Alberta, there is a mixture of cultures represented in most schools. Chapter 12 - Shaping A Unique Worldview & Japanese Geography 67. Describe the geography of Japan. How did the geography of Japan influence it’s worldview? How was Japan a self-sufficient society? How did being self-sufficient contribute to Japanese worldview? Chapter 12 - Shaping A Unique Worldview & Japanese Geography 67. Describe the geography of Japan. How did the geography of Japan influence it’s worldview? How was Japan a self-sufficient society? How did being self-sufficient contribute to Japanese worldview? How did natural disasters contribute to the Japanese ability to.

Death. Disease. Destruction… pretty much sums up Social Studies 8.

Social 8 expands on the concept of intercultural contact and continues to develop historical thinking skills through an examination of past societies in different parts of the world.

Course Outline
Social 8 Program of Studies


Chapter 12: Shaping A Unique Worldview Essay

Chapter 12: shaping a unique worldview essay

Chapter 12: Shaping A Unique Worldview Analysis

We begin by discussing the meaning of worldview – what is it, and how is it shaped.

Unit 1 – Origins of a Western Worldview: Renaissance Europe

Through an examination of Renaissance Europe, students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how the exchange of ideas and knowledge contributed to shaping the worldview of the Western world.

Unit 2 – Worldviews in Conflict: The Spanish and the Aztecs

Through an examination of Spanish and Aztec societies, students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how intercultural contact affects the worldviews of societies.

Unit 3 – From Isolation to Adaptation: Japan


Through an examination of Japan, students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the ways in which beliefs, values and knowledge shape worldviews and contribute to a society’s isolation or adaptation.

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Chapter 12: Shaping A Unique Worldview

Final Exam Review